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بنت بغداد 16-09-13 11:54 AM

Congratulation the islam

Allah says:
"This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion" [Quran 5:3)

Allah gave this favour to the whole of humanity. Therefore any one can become a Muslim no matter what his/her race, language or colour is. No matter whether they are single, married, divorced or a child.
All sins committed before coming t0 Islam are forgiven. No matter how bad they were. They are forgiven. One who converts to Islam is totally reborn and starts with a clean record.

HERE I & U WILL PUT News of new Muslims

بنت بغداد 16-09-13 11:57 AM

Amazing story of brother
Eamon Bradley from Ireland who reverted to Islam. Indeed if Allah wills he can guide anyone the way he wants. Brother Eamon reverted to Islam on his own without meeting a single Muslim brother or sister, but from YouTube videos and reading online Qur'an

بنت بغداد 16-09-13 11:59 AM



بنت بغداد 16-09-13 12:12 PM

Mas Sh Allah!!! This is what
our brother who does lots of Dawah in UK, London


"Today Khadijah my
daughter 7 years old had given the onereason (Dawah) gift ...box to her non-Muslim teacher in the front of around 25 students most of them are non-Muslims and she said to her teacher excuse me teacher? You Said last time that you want to become Muslimah and want to know about Islam and Muslim so here's the gift for you the glorious Qur'an and some books about Islam and some books about final prophet Muhammad pbuh
So the teacher said thanks a lot Khadijah

This is what our kids should do

May Allah guide her!!!

بنت بغداد 16-09-13 12:15 PM

French footbal player , Mohamed Lamine Sissoko at holy kabba

بنت بغداد 16-09-13 12:17 PM

football player Frank Ribery in Mecca

بنت بغداد 16-09-13 12:18 PM

Old japanese man reverted to islam in his last days . may allah make our end in a good
deed .ameen

بنت بغداد 16-09-13 12:46 PM


الساعة الآن 09:27 AM

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